SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design

Discover our courses

Enhance your talents with SPD's courses





Since 1954, SPD is the leading​ ​ international design school ​in​ ​Italy​ ​where you can grow your talent and exchange experiences with faculty, professionals, companies and students from various countries and backgrounds.

SPD offers 15-month academic Masters in collaboration with major industry leaders and other universities. Certificates and academic credits are awarded according to the ECTS system.

Multidisciplinary approach

A lot of practice, laboratories, outdoor visits and workshops are the core of the SPD method. The program provides students with the opportunity to collaborate with industry professionals and companies, fostering teamwork and skill development.

SPD Experience

Studying at SPD means immersing yourself in a fresh, dynamic and international environment, where foreign students account for 70% of the total student population. Each student is followed individually by a faculty composed of professionals coming from different fields.

Discover the topics, download the brochure

Enhance your talents with SPD's courses

Since 1954, SPD is the leading​ ​ international design school ​in​ ​Italy​ ​where you can grow your talent and exchange experiences with faculty, professionals, companies and students from various countries and backgrounds.

SPD offers 15-month academic Masters in collaboration with major industry leaders and other universities. Certificates and academic credits are awarded according to the ECTS system.





Discover the topics,
download the brochure

Discover our courses

SPD offers a diverse range of educational programs designed to cater to students with varying backgrounds and interests. Our educational offerings encompass Bachelor of Arts programs, Master of Arts degrees, and Preparatory Courses.

Synthetic Cultures by 2050+
SPD_Student Work_INT2


  • 82% of our students find work after a year from their master’s degree.

  • About 10% of our students after the Master’s Degree decide to pursue their career by pursuing a higher education level.

  • Students of the Masters are mainly employed in communication agencies or design studios.

Students' Employability
Training Programm

Training Programm

SPD’s goal is to prepare every student to be a complete professional. The courses are divided into a theoretical part, consisting of lectures and external visits, and a project part for each teaching area with workshops held in collaboration with important studios and design agencies.



In SPD each student is followed individually by a teaching staff composed by designers, professionals from various sectors and tutors. Many of the most important international names in Design, such as Patricia Urquiola, Denis Santachiara, Ross Lovegrove and Chris Bangle gave lectures in SPD.

A chi è rivolto

Aimed to

SPD’s Masters are aimed at graduates in subjects similar to the master; the students who want to undertake, in the Italian capital of design, a specialization path that allows them to improve their manual and creative skills; the places are limited and the selections happen in a previous cognitive call.



Milan, world capital of Design and Fashion, ideal for young international talents, thanks to museums, architecture, hotels, showrooms that give an incredible source of inspiration. The city offers great business opportunities, a bustling social life and exclusive events.